
Showing posts from September, 2019

New Jersey State Trooper Joseph Perry

A few of the pictures and documents I am uploading to my document site. (Yet to be published)  I thought I'd share some of them here.   Badge #442 20th State Police Class WWI   U.S. Army Veteran Sixteenth Infantry Silver Star for valor Bronze Star for bravery Purple Heart Distinguished Service Medal for notable service Written to editor as tribute from 1937 State Police Accident Report Diagram  Accident location as it looks today   With his wife and daughter State Police Document about Accident Click Image to read more Read about State Trooper Martin Kent and how he solves a 20 year-old murder case Click here


Prologue Tuesday evening, April 28, 1992    The April Moon shone on 15 Jonathan Smith Road highlighting the beauty of the French Colonial set back from the street. The moon’s illumination created pockets of light and darkness throughout the large property. A cool spring breeze moved through the budding green leaves causing shadows to creep across the front lawn. The neighborhood was quiet with hardly a car or a person to be seen; other than a white van sitting in the darkness caused by a large pine tree. If someone were listening, they would hear the idling of the engine being carried by the breeze. The sound was there, amongst the rattling of branches, rustling of leaves and whistling of the wind; but no one heard it. The sun had long settled behind the dark green Morris Hills, and the residents of this neighborhood were in for the night.         Set back from the cul-de-sac and partially hidden by trees and brush, the Reso residenc...